Mukul Mahajan Singraur

phone +91 9161 06 1356
github rammmukul
linkedin mukul-mahajan-singraur

Technical Skills

Programming languages

JavaScript go PHP python

Front-end Development

React.js HTML 5 CSS 3 React Native

Back-end Development

node.js express.js go MongoDB SQL

GeekWerke (SSE) - Feb-2023 - Present

React dashboards

tools used React javascript HTML CSS

Exotel (SDE 2) - Feb-2020 to Feb-2023

React integration with PHP

tools used javascript React PHP

Integrated react Single Page App with PHP Multi Page App (similar to island architecture)

Live Call Dashboard

tools used react golang mongo AWS

A React based dashboard for clients to see the live analytics in a glance.

Notification service

tools used javascript golang websockets

A notification service to push notifications to browser

Stanza Living (SDE 1) - Oct-2018 Feb-2020

Student and RM Apps

tools used React Native

Public landing page and Internal dashboard

tools used React Native

GeekSkool (bootcamp) - Feb-2018 to oct-2018
